

    To truly find out whether or not you want to get into the home lawn care business, you need to decide if you enjoy the process of selling services. No business operates without clients. To get those clients, you need to sell.

    Unlike many businesses, Teed & Brown does NOT use any intrusive sales techniques that many of the companies in our industry have become known for. Instead, we have placed strategic advertisements throughout various publications, we send out postcard advertisements, and we place online advertisements via Google and Yahoo. In addition, our experience in our service areas has resulted in high name recognition, which generates many leads by itself.

    Because of the marketing and advertising efforts we have engaged in, we often have anywhere from 2 to 15 sales leads to follow up with in a particular week. While you are here, you’ll be asked to shadow one of our salesmen on several different sales appointments. If you show that you understand the process, you will be given the opportunity to price out and sell a few accounts yourself.


The Program Elements

About Teed & Brown

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Mission Statement
Letter from Our Founders
History of Teed & Brown
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Benefits of Ownership
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Target Clientele / Marketing
Properties We Manage
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