

    Networking truly is the engine that drives the business world. In essence, networking is the following through on the title of Dale Carnegie’s famous book “How to Win Friends and Influence People.” We’re talking about building real relationships that benefit everybody both personally and financially.

    When somebody asks for a recommendation, you will typically pass along the name of a friend or close acquaintance. If you don’t have any friends in the business, you’ll look for someone who you at least know and respect. Networking is the process of getting to know people, so that you know who to recommend to your clients. Additionally, they’ll get to know you, and will possibly pass your name along as well.

    At Teed & Brown, we recognize the value in building relationships. Those companies that we have come to trust and depend on are very important to us. We show our appreciation by passing their name along when and where appropriate. We have also built an entire section of our website dedicated to showing our own clients which companies we trust and recommend.

    While you are with us, you will be asked to set appointments with two or more of these partner companies. You will interview the owner/manager of the company to find out what their business does. You will provide a written summary of what you learned, and you will provide your own suggestions for how we may be able to better help the companies you interviewed.

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