College Graduates


    College is a time to learn the basics and build the base of facts that you will need to apply in your career. Now comes the real challenge. Do you have what it takes to be successful and move up in the world?

    If you start your career with Teed & Brown, you’ll find out very quickly. Our program is designed to give you access to knowledge and experience that you simply will not find elsewhere. Within the first year, you will know if you have what it takes to be a manager and business owner.

    We are extremely interested in helping young men and women learn more about the business world, we are also very focused on expanding and improving our current business. Together, we can accomplish both. You can learn a lot AND build a business for yourself while helping us to improve. Best of all? We’ll have a lot of fun doing it!

The Program Elements

About Teed & Brown

Career Home Page
Mission Statement
Letter from Our Founders
History of Teed & Brown
Services We Provide
Benefits of Ownership
Current Territories
Target Clientele / Marketing
Properties We Manage
Contact Us Form / Informationhttp://www.teedandbrowncareer.com
4 Stage Program
What is a Franchise?
Do I Qualify?
I’m Interested.      Now What?Stages.htmlFranchise.htmlQualifications.htmlInterested.htmlInterested.htmlshapeimage_4_link_0shapeimage_4_link_1shapeimage_4_link_2shapeimage_4_link_3shapeimage_4_link_4shapeimage_4_link_5

Click below to download the Job PDF File.
