Contact Us


Headquarters: 203-857-4271

Fax: (203) 604-9633

Contact Chris Brown

Upper Fairfield County Franchise

Contact Justin Barry



Franchise Information:

Teed & Brown
304 Main Avenue #200
Norwalk, CT 06851

Your Career Status

    Have more questions? No problem! We’d love to hear from you. Feel free to contact us at the numbers and/or email addresses below.

    Already interested in the possibilities of working here? Even better! We have a convenient, online Job Application that you can fill out right here on our website. Just click on the link below/right, fill out the form, and we’ll get back to you very soon.

Online Job Application

Student / Intern
Recent or Upcoming College Graduate
Middle Management (Asst. Superintendent)
Manager Superintendent Business Owner

About Teed & Brown

Career Home Page
Mission Statement
Letter from Our Founders
History of Teed & Brown
Services We Provide
Benefits of Ownership
Current Territories
Target Clientele / Marketing
Properties We Manage
Contact Us Form / InformationHome.htmlMission_Statement.htmlLetter_from_Founders.htmlLetter_from_Founders.htmlHistory_of_Teed_and_Brown.htmlHistory_of_Teed_and_Brown.htmlServices_We_Provide.htmlOwnership_Benefits.htmlOwnership_Benefits.htmlCurrent_Territories.htmlTarget_Clientele.htmlTarget_Clientele.htmlProperties_We_Manage.htmlProperties_We_Manage.htmlshapeimage_7_link_0shapeimage_7_link_1shapeimage_7_link_2shapeimage_7_link_3shapeimage_7_link_4shapeimage_7_link_5shapeimage_7_link_6shapeimage_7_link_7shapeimage_7_link_8shapeimage_7_link_9shapeimage_7_link_10shapeimage_7_link_11shapeimage_7_link_12shapeimage_7_link_13shapeimage_7_link_14shapeimage_7_link_15