Industry Assistants or Managers


    So you’ve been out of college for a few years, and you’ve gained some real world experience. You’ve probably learned quite a bit about hands-on Turfgrass management, employee management, client and/or member relations, and various other skills. Now is a perfect time to really consider your future and where you would like to be 5 and 10 years from now. Have you truly considered all avenues and options?

    At Teed & Brown, we can offer you a training program that is specifically designed to put you into an ownership position of your own Home Lawn Care business. All the training is done while you work here (and receive a salary). In fact, when you leave, you would be taking over as the owner of an existing, established client base!

This is all done in a four stage program. To learn more, click below:

The Teed & Brown 4-Stage Development Program

    The starting salary for our business development program is $38,000.  For industry assistants with many years of experience the salary is negotiable.

The Program Elements

About Teed & Brown

Career Home Page
Mission Statement
Letter from Our Founders
History of Teed & Brown
Services We Provide
Benefits of Ownership
Current Territories
Target Clientele / Marketing
Properties We Manage
Contact Us Form / Informationhttp://www.teedandbrowncareer.com
4 Stage Program
What is a Franchise?
Do I Qualify?
I’m Interested.      Now What?Stages.htmlFranchise.htmlQualifications.htmlInterested.htmlInterested.htmlshapeimage_4_link_0shapeimage_4_link_1shapeimage_4_link_2shapeimage_4_link_3shapeimage_4_link_4shapeimage_4_link_5

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